This is the blog of my family, so basically, unless you know us, you are going to get very bored reading this.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Where is Delia when you need her?

"Boy William" was trying to separate to chops for his dinner. Is it no wonder that he married a doctor? For his next trick he will amputate his foot while cutting his toenails.

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Anonymous said...

Please tell me the brand of knife you are using.Itis just what I need.
Please tell me how it performs on shower curtains.

Anonymous said...

I find the Japanise GLOBAL knife the best for cutting frozen meat and thumbs

Anonymous said...

An hotel sewing kit can always be used in an emergency to save your husband's fingers after he has been playing with pork chops

Anonymous said...

lucky it wasn't my pork chop

Anonymous said...

lucky for whom

Anonymous said...

It weas the best piece of stitching i have done after a bottle of wiskey

Anonymous said...

I refer you to this link..