This is the blog of my family, so basically, unless you know us, you are going to get very bored reading this.

Monday, April 23, 2007

I took her into the fog and missed


Alix emerges out of the sea mist in Santander, where we had a child free couple of days!
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Sunday, April 15, 2007

A day out in Portugalete

We had a day in Portugalete, taking the metro to Portu then walking down to the river, crossing over and getting the metro back from Areeta. We had a nice sit and play in the sun.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

St Patrick's day in Umedi

At Umedi, they celebrated the English fiesta of Saint Patrick - as you do.

Rosie and Imogen appeared on some school photos

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Playing at Hotel Artaza

After the egg hunt, everyone had a nice play (all rubio!) while Aita and Mummy had a cup of coffee.

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Going on an egg hunt

On Easter Monday, Renee organised an Easter Egg hunt at Hotel Artaza. There were 23 kids from all over (Sweden to US). Rosie found two eggs, Imogen three.

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Picnic at the Guggenheim

As there were marching bands down by the Guggenheim, we took down merienda and had a picnic, before playing on the park. We met Lucas and Marcus to cause double trouble.

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A tree fairy

Of course, Rosie also had to dress up as a girly fairy (in a vest)



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For some reason on Easter Saturday, Imogen decided to be a tiger. Maybe it is an Opus Dei thing.

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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Rosie has taken to skipping in a big way (and is getting good at it). Imogen is more taken with playing football. I don't know where they get it from.

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Our new flat

OK, so with the benefit of google earth you can see where we are buying our new house.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Imogen out playing

On Monday afternoon there were stories in the park (in Spanish and Euskera). While Rosie listened entranced, Immie played.
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Maitane, Christian, Beth, Jake, Rosie, and Imogen

Monday was International Children's Book Day, and so Alix was recruited by the City council to read in English to the kids on Plaza Bikaia. It was a rainy day, and afterwards Rebecca and Mandy came back for lunch with their respective tribes.

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